Friday, 23 May 2014

How to: prepare for exams!

Heyya my dears! So it's that time of year again when many of us 'youth' are studying for a variety of exams to attempt to further our education and maybe make us slightly brainer. 
As this season tends to generate a whole lot of stress, I thought I'd try to make it easier and give you some information on how I'm preparing for my exams. Although I'm not perfect, I feel like some information could help people who may be struggling. 
Here's some of my tips and techniques:

1) Use folders to organise your subjects and revision notes.
It may seem basic but being organised can help reduce your stress levels. Having individual coloured folders for each subject means that you can identify the right one without much thought. 
Within these folders, you can also seperate individual subject topics with topic divider like pastic versions (staples provided cheap ones in packs of five or ten) or hand-made ones using paper, card, and coloured pens. Having seperate dividers means access to notes is a lot more efficient especially when you have a strict revision schedule to stick to.

2) Highlight revision notes the day before.
By highlighting or going over the notes you have already made before the exam, you are more likely to be refreshed for those topics. This will also make you more confident before the exam and mean you are not stressing or worrying. 

3) Use colours to make brain storms on subjects.
Doing brain storms on certain topics are brilliant quick revision ways that can help you remember key terms and facts needed in the exams but by using colours as well will help you to remember more.
It is a proven fact that colour helps your brain remember information that it might not have been able to take on. This use of colour will help your memory remember more.

4) Take time to relax! 
It may seem silly but a good bath with bubbles, music and scented candles can go a long way during exam season. Make time to chill.

So that's my main tips and techniques to help prepare for those dread exams. Hope it helps some of you.

Holly x

Thursday, 22 May 2014

About Inky Quill and Paper!

Heya my dears! So this is my first post on this snazzy new blog thing that I have decided to get going. Being all new and that, I thought that those interested in who Inky Quill and Paper is will want to know a few things. I wasn't too sure on what the best way to introduce myself so I did a little research on the interweb and discovered a variety of wonders including things like 'facts about me' and 'essay about me'. Thought the best idea was do a couple of facts and see how it went. Okay, I should probably get going so I don't bore you to pieces.


Fact número 1:
I live in the wonderful sunny country of England in the United Kingdom. 

Fact número 2:
I'm at the ripe old age of sixteen and going through a lovely time called GCSE exams.

Fact número 3:
I am a casual flatwater kayaker. I tend to train twice a week over marathon distances for those deeply interested.

Fact número 4: 
I am currently using my snazzy phone to write this blog. #keepingitbasic 

Fact número 5:
I have a huge dislike for tea and coffee. Tea is too plain. Coffee is too bitter. Please don't hate me.

Fact número 6:
I live in a school and have been living here all my life. This is because my dad is a teacher at the school and the house is available with the job.

Fact número 7:
I was recently rather seriously ill and ended up spending roughly eight days in hospital. I will be having a number of investigations and a operation mid July to hopefully get everything sorted for the future.

(By this point I was starting to run out of facts which shows how exciting my life really is)

Fact número 8:
I have never been outside Europe. The furthest I've travel is to Iceland. Very snazzy place if I may say so.

Fact número 9:
My favourite book series of all time would have to be Harry Potter. It's a legend of a book series.

Fact número 10:
I have an addiction to youtubers. My major addiction would have to be for the lovely Mr Ben Brown. He's a brilliant daily vlogger who promotes positive vibes. Definitely worth the watch if you haven't already.

So that's all the facts about me that I can think of without making this blogpost seem extreme boring and becoming extremely long winded. 
Thanks for giving it a read anyway. If you read all of it, I love you. If you didn't, go on scroll back up.

Lots of love, 
Holly x