Wednesday, 30 July 2014

My Hand Luggage Essentials for Short Haul Flights

Heyya! I know I said that my last blog post will probably be my last before Blogust series but I couldn't help myself so...
It's that time of my summer where I'm busy washing, drying and sorting out clothes ready to be packed away into my suitcase ready for another adventure. At this point of my week with only 36 hours left until my flight, I just want to get going and fly away especially when it is to see my boyfriend who I haven't seen in about a month (tough going, I know :P) and because I'm so excited and eager to get going, I thought I'd put together a little list (especially as I seem to love list posts) on my hand luggage essentials for short haul flights. In case you're wondering, I haven't been on a long haul flight so that's why it's short haul.


{1} A fully charged phone
This is probably one of the most important items that you could possibly take anywhere but on a flight especially. From your phone, you can take pictures (good quality ones if you have a good phone), listen to music and communicate with people. I have specified fully charged in this sections title because what can you do if your phone runs out of charge mid flight because you've been listening to music the whole flight and started out with 50% anyway?

{2} Usable Headphones
Headphones are so essential for flights especially if you are travelling alone because you can plug yourself out of the flight by plugging them in and listening to music. If they aren't usable, you can't do that at all so I guess that's kinda useful ;)

{3} Notebook and Pens ready to jot notes and ideas down
The other day, I brought a really nice pink (it says orange on the label but I'm sure it's pink) polka dot note pad as I've been needing a nice one with lines and I've started to become addicted to writing down notes for this blog (planning etc). I usually take a notebook or some paper pad on a plane because it's the perfect time to just think and be creative. I will definitely pack this notepad with some pens ready, just in case.

{4} A Book
I don't think I've ever been on a flight without a book. They are my all time essential for filling up time so bringing it on a flight is a must. I never go anywhere without my current book.

{5} A collection of Magazines
Again, I don't think I have ever been on a flight without a collection of magazines. They are also key to filling time and therefore making a flight go quicker by keeping me busy. They are always a big form of entertainment because of the stories are always slightly different in each magazine. Having these on a flight or journey is a must.

{6} Snacks and Drinks to last the flight
I never go on any journey without some kind of drink or food because I always seem to dehydrate rather quickly and I tend to eat when I have nothing else to do so obviously they are high on my priority when it comes to packing (or putting money in for when it comes to drink) my hand luggage bag. I don't know where I'd be with my snacks and drinks on flights.

{7} Makeup to refresh original face
Occasionally on flights, your makeup can come off especially if you decide to spend your flight sleeping and therefore carrying small amounts of makeup around in your hand luggage is key. I always take my Rimmel London Clarifying Powder and Colourworks lipgloss because those are my most likely products to come off.

{8} Camera
If I go away without my family, I will always bring a camera in my hand luggage so that I can capture any moment I wish (cue airplane wings and cloud photo). This will be a definite pack on Friday so that I can take good quality photos for my Blogust series.

{9} Purse with money just in case
Essential to everyday because you don't know when you are going to have to spend some money on something essential e.g. food (this is the main reason why I put this in this blog post)

{10} Mobile Phone Charger
You never know when your phone will run out of battery really and if you can find a plug socket, your mobile phone charger is on hand. Also, I'm always terrified of losing my luggage so to make sure I can still use my phone even if I do, I always pack this.

Whats your travel essentials in your hand luggage? Let me know.
See ya on the flip side,
Holly x

My Life in 8 Pictures!

So I'm feeling all sentimental this evening and therefore thought I would share with you guys some mermories in pictures that helped make me, me. This might possibly be my last blog post before Blogust starts (ahh exciting) so let's get started with these embarrassing but memorable images.

Once an angel, Forever an angel ;)

Sibling Love

Always take care of those around you especially the Teddy Bear

Talk about Poser

My Irish Dancing faze where I came last every time

(Girl in pink jumper)

The happiness of finishing a 23 mile race + 6 mile run

The last race I finished (look at the joy on Helens face :P)

So I hope you enjoyed that little spread of photos that I feel has made me, me. Do you have any memories you cherish? Which photo is your favourite? Let me know what they are in the comments.
See ya on the flip side,
Holly x

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

My Beauty must-haves Summer 2014!

Heyya! So I've been loving five certain products this summer massively and I thought that a blog post would be a perfect way to show my love and enthusiasm for them. All five products are essential for my beauty regime and considering my beauty regime is extremely small and limited, they are all beauty basics but without them I would be totally lost.


{1} Garnier Body Intensive 7 Days Ultra- Replenishing Lotion Shea Butter
I've been addicted to this product for a while (must be over a year now) and it is so good! It does everything on the tin (actually bottle). It took a couple of appliances for my skin to get used to a new product but that usually happens when I try something new out. My skin is naturally very dry but the Shea Butter Lotion does the job when applied regularly after I have either taken a shower or bath or just if my skin is feeling dry. It doesn't feel greasy like some dry skin lotions do and therefore gives it a massive bonus point from me. A quick replace as it starts to run out which always means its a good product.

{2} Garnier Skin Naturals Moisture Match Dry to Very Dry Skin
I've been searching for a face cream for a very long time and when I saw this a year or so ago, I thought I'd give it a go just to see. The original texture of cream as it came out of the tube didn't exactly make me love it straight away but as I applied it, it felt good on my skin and left it soft, hydrated and smooth (apart from the odd spot but lets not mention that). The only issue I have with this product is occasionally my skin can react to the cream and turn a bit red but if you are putting makeup over the top, that's not really a big deal. Another quick replacement product also so again, I must enjoy the product a lot.

{3} Batiste Dry Shampoo Clean and Clear Original
This is a staple product in many woman's beauty product list. Where would us lazy women be without it? This is so important especially when I don't usually wash my hair every day. It stops the grease and gives volume which is so important. This is my only beauty product that I've been using for years and not switching between different brands. My ultimate staple product ever.

{4} Rimmel London Clear Complexion Clarifying Powder
With my skin being so dry, it doesn't tend to act well around foundation so I stay clear completely of it. That's why I tend to use only powder. This powder was a good buy for me because not only is it a standard powder that gets rid of shine but it also acts as a light concealer so that when I may have a red spot, it will cover it slightly to turn it to a dull pink. I don't really mind about spots because it's a natural process for teenage girls but I like to make them less noticeable and this powder does that. While I often mix around with my day-to-day makeup, this powder is always compulsory and a must.

{5} Maybelline New York Waterproof Lash Stiletto Volume and Length Mascara
I brought this mascara off amazon a couple of months ago and loved it straight away. Although it's tough to remove, it lengthens my lashes without going clumpy and it also separates out the lashes so that it looks classy and elegant. I remember this mascara not even being that expensive so that's always a plus especially with it doing a good job.

I hope you enjoyed my little beauty product list of this years summer beauty must-haves for me. All five are my ultimate favourites at the moment so I guess you could maybe count this as a favourite list too if you wish! What are your favourite beauty must-haves this summer? Have you tried any of these products? What do you think?  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you soon!

Holly x

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Writing Process Tag

I got tagged by the lovely Jenna from Sparkly Kid to complete the Writing Process Tag which she also completed. Here's her blog post link if anyone fancies a read: Go give her a follow because she is awesome!

Anyway, Jenna tagged me in the Writing Process Tag. I'm not a big fiction writer and only do it as a hobby or when I have an idea. I have two little books floating about on the internet. One is fan fiction. One is a spin off of another book. The most of the writing I do is for this blog which is the most fun to me.

{1} What are you currently working on?
I don't really have anything currently under works but I did start a spin off book a couple of months ago which I haven't got round to completing/ adding more chapters. If I have the desire to write, I may come up with an idea but it may not end up being completed or even published into the world wide web. If I come up with a good idea, I will usually try and get on with it and attempt to write something but most of the time I am hit with writers block. It has to be something special for me to continue writing it.
This is almost the same with blogging. I have to an idea and if I don't, it is extremely frustrating because I always want to have something to blog about. However, if I have to hunt for a idea, I tend to end up ranting and rambling about things that don't matter and the post doesn't end up being published. Currently on my blog, I'm working on a list of my favourite books ever which I'm still not sure I will end up publishing and I'm starting to think about my Blogust series that is coming up which I am extremely excited about.

{2} How does your work differ from other of its genre?
I don't usually stick to a particular genre but whatever I'm writing, I have to always include twists towards the ends of chapters to keep readers hooked. Other than that, I can be very typical to a genre I'm writing about boringly.
In my blog, I tend to mix things up a bit with drops of different things. My main blog is based around lifestyle but I have been known to post things that would typically be under the beauty tag (This or that tag) or creative and how-to (How to: Make Chocolate Marshmallow Crispy Cakes!). I tend to have a mix of everything.

{3}Why do you write what you do?
My writing tends to always come from ideas from either what I've read, seen or experienced. I have to have an idea to write and I have to have a desire. If my idea isn't good or I can't think of a way to write it, it won't happen. I also have to have a passion and belief in what I'm writing also. I can't just sit down and write because it will never happen.
With my blog, it has to be something interesting to me and something that I feel I would read myself. If not, I don't feel any point in posting or even writing it. I feel if I would want to read it, so would people who like my blog.

{4} How does your writing process work?
Simply about ideas, passion and desire. I need to have a base in which I can build on. Something that always works well is a ending which I can build up to instead of a beginning to start off with and build on. I never plan my writing, its always just happens on paper and evolves through my writing.
When it comes to writing on my blog, I tend to have a desire or need to post depending on how long I have not and then I would try to think of something worth blogging. Whether this would be through something I've experienced or something I've seen other bloggers doing. I will then write whatever it is in my style and read through it a few times and then post.

{5} Tag three people to complete this post.
-Sjoukje of lemontierres
-F of The Fence of Stars
-Alexia of sunduckling

Holly x

Friday, 25 July 2014

My Favourite Harry Potter Quotes!

Heyya! So this week has been a rather exciting week for me blogging wise. I joined Teenage Blogger Central earlier on and because of that, my followers and page views have gone up drastically. I'm started to become rather excited about these little steps my blog is making considering I only started it in May with measly posts.
Also, I have edited my blog appearance a lot this week with a new blog header and a bit more of a slicker look. A lot of editing was helped by I can build a blog which is an extremely helpful blog with brilliant blog posts on particularly everything you need to know for you to edit and transform your blog using basic html code.

So I thought to celebrate this exciting week I would put together a extra specially long blog of my favourite Harry Potter book quotes of all time especially as I'm a big Harry Potter fan. Therefore if this is the kinda blog post that you fancy, continue reading, if not, why not read through some of my other blog posts as I have a odd few. I'm starting to ramble now so I think I better get started...

~ “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” - Albus Dumbledore

~ “Your mother died to save you. If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand, it is love. Love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves it's own mark. To have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection forever.” -Albus Dumbledore

~ “You're a wizard, Harry.”  ~ Hagird

~ "Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" -Albus Dumbledore

~ "If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black

~ "In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own." -Albus Dumbledore

~ "Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." -Albus Dumbledore

~ "The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution." -Albus Dumbledore

~ "Just because you've got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have" -Hermione Granger

~ "Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure" -Luna Lovegood

~ "It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends" -Albus Dumbledore

~ "It is our choices, Harry, that show who we truly are, far more than our abilities" -Albus Dumbledore

~ "Books! And Cleverness! There are more important things- friendship and bravery" -Hermione Granger

~ "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be 'Follow the butterflies'?" -Ron Weasley

~ "Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all  face the choice between what is right and what is easy" -Albus Dumbledore

~ "You're the weak one. And you'll never know love, or friendship. And I feel sorry for you" -Harry Potter

~  "Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!" -Dobby

~ "It's curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar" -Mr. Ollivander

~ "To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure" -Albus Dumbledore

~ "It is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" -Albus Dumbledore

So there it is, my favourite 20 Harry Potter quotes. A lot of them are from Albus Dumbledore but that is simply because he is the voice of wisdom for all. I hope you enjoyed this little special blog post.
What are your favourite Harry Potter quotes? Let me know in the comments as I would love to hear your opinions.
Holly x

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Follow Inky Quill and Paper on Bloglovin'!


I've just set up my account and blog on Bloglovin' and would love for you to follow me on there. In the next couple of hours, I will be linking Bloglovin to my blog through buttons etc. I would really appreciate a follow on there if you own a account! Just tap on the picture above!
Thanks for all the support and reads! See you in my next official blogpost!
Holly x

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

This or That Tag!

Heyya! So I thought I'd do something a bit more interesting for this blogpost and to help you maybe get to know me better as I have only really done one post about general me. 

blush or bronzer- I don't wear either so...
lip gloss or lipstick- Lip gloss as it looks nicer
eye liner or mascara- mascara
foundation or concealer- concealer but I hardly use either
neutral or color eye shadow- neutral all the way
pressed or loose eye shadows- pressed
brushes or sponges- Brushes

OPI or china glaze- OPI
Long or short- Middle
Acrylic or natural- Acrylic
Brights or darks- Brights
Flower or no flower- no flower

perfume or body splash- body splash always seems to smell nicer
lotion or body butter- Lotion
body wash or soap- body wash as its less drying
lush or other bath company- lush is lush (see what I did there? :P)

jeans or sweat pants- Jeans
long sleeve or short- short
dresses or skirts- dresses
stripes or plaid- Stripes
flip flops or sandals- I'm not really such.. Can I say pumps? 
scarves or hats- scarves. I wear too many.
studs or dangly earrings- I don't have my ears peirced 
necklaces or bracelets- necklaces 
heels or flats- both? 
cowboy boots or riding boots- cowboy
jacket or hoodie- hoodie 
forever 21 or charlotte russe- haven't heard of charlotte russe so forever 21? 
abercombie or Hollister- Hollister has nicer stuff but I never have enough money to buy anything there
saks 5th or nordstrom- What?

curly or straight- curly the way my hair naturally is
bun or ponytail- ponytail as it doesn't fall out
bobby pins or butterfly clips- butterfly clips
hair spray or gel- hair spray 
long or short- long
light or dark- dunno really my hair is a mixture so I'll say that 
side sweep bangs or full bangs- side sweep bangs. Full bangs would look awful on me
up or down- up is so much easier

Rain or shine- shine
Summer or winter- my birthdays in winter but summer is warm and sunny so I'm not sure
Fall or spring- spring 
Chocolate or vanilla- chocolate 
East coast or west coast- Is this about America because I haven't been there so I can't say? 

Holly x

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Blogust Sneak Preview!

With my Blogust series fast approaching (just more than a week), I thought I'd do a little round-up of events that will appear during that month to tempt you to stick around.

1st-5th August- I will travelling to holland where I will be staying at my boyfriends house and visiting places around The Hague such as the local beach.

5th-11th August- Me and my family will be staying at a holiday resort in Belguim.

12th August- hopefully I will be going for a nice paddle in my kayak somewhere.

13th- 14th August- I will be staying in hospital while I have a operation to remove my appendix.

21st August- GCSE results day ahhhh

23rd- 30th August- hopefully I will then be visiting Scotland with my boyfriend and his family.

I will also try to make my days as interesting and worth blogging about as much as possible. The blogposts will also show pictures from my day as well as writing.
If anything I say above might interest you, feel welcome to follow along and I'll see you in my next blogpost.

Holly x

Sunday, 20 July 2014

The Scary Future...

This year I turned sixteen and several things in my life have either clicked in my life or made me think about my life and how important it really is. I've struggled in the past with different issues especially as Secondary School evolved. People I thought I trusted had turned on me and left my side when I believed they would always be there. These past issues have made the last couple of months extremely hard for me on top of becoming seriously ill for over a month. All these problems have made me think how fortunate I am for my life the way it is now. I have some extremely brilliant friends and a excellent family who will always support me and check up on me. I couldn't be more grateful I am for these wonderful people.

Thinking about my life, I've come to realize how scarily close the future is with about six years left in the studying world. This therefore means that there is only six years left until adult life begins. Adult life involves several things such as bill paying, taxes and commitments and I'm not sure whether I'm ready for it to take its course to lead me in that direction.
However, there are exciting things about the future being so soon. The most important thing would have to be no more education. Although good for the old brain and intelligence, it is incredibly tiresome and mentally challenging. No more hard algebra or long essays on some book you read last year. Another exciting prospect for the future would be settling down and becoming a real adult. It may seem a little scary but I can imagine it being incredibly joyful with little you's running about on their little legs.
The future also means an option to train and study for something you enjoy for a future job. For me, that will be teaching. My aim in life is to become a teacher and to earn that job would probably make me so happy even though I would be exhausted every evening.
So with the future so fast approaching, I think its about time I start thinking about those scary adult things as well as what I want to do to make me happy. I need to start focusing on what really matters for the future and how to fufill these to make my life a better thing to experience. Whether thats endless travelling or spending more time with those I hold dear to my heart. What makes me happy should be my highest priorty for the future.
What do you think will be most important in your future life? How would you like to live your life? Let me know in the comments.

Holly x

Sunday, 13 July 2014

My Flatwater Kayaking Story So Far....

Flatwater Kayaking has always been something in the background of my life. My dad started canoeing/kayaking a few years before I was born and he started up a canoe club at the college he worked and we lived at the year I was born. This involved him taking a group of students from the college to several races throughout the months of February, March and April. My mum constantly laughs about the fact that my dad went off to a canoe race only a couple of days after I was born.
As I reached the age of six, I started to regularly attend these races myself, supporting and cheering on the school crews that were taking part. My dad also took me out on little trips in a canoe during the summer. I remember one particular trip near Wales where we went down small weirs and rapids. At that age, I found it great fun. By the age of nine, I was confident in the small lightning boats used for under 12s in the Hasler racing series.
During my later years of Primary School, I went on a Girl Guiding Camp and took part in a raft building exercise in a pond on the camp site. Because of this experience, I became very anxious about water and falling in it. I spent years turning my mind to other sports and didn't attend any races for several years even though my dad continued to coach and support college crews.
One Saturday evening in 2012, I decided I would attend a race the following day to help my dad support the crews and film to create a video of the series that our crews were racing (Waterside Series). I witnessed a crew consisting of a young boy and dad complete the 23 mile race and for some reason, this gave me the urge to start Kayaking again. I was back in a boat on Thursday with only one capsize. Although the whole idea of water made me anxious, I had an aim to keep me going, to complete the 125 mile canoe race from Devizes, Wiltshire to Westminster, London.
The following week, I had roped in a partner, Nicola, a current school friend of mine. She was very sporty and was up for the challenge. We got in a K2 for the first time and didn't fall in! Stability was clearly not going to be a problem for us.

After the Easter Holidays, we got into the boat again and paddled our first three miles. The weather was cold and extremely rainy but even with several stops at bridges, we did it in roughly 45 minutes. Although decent we wanted to do better and took on the challenge of six miles only a couple of weeks later. Even with getting out and running between two bridges on the first three miles, we did it in 40 minutes. On the way back we improved to 38. Not bad going for the first six miles.
Then Nicola got injured and she spent over a month out of the boat but we still got back in and went racing. 4 miles. On the Thames. Circuiting. This wasn't the best idea considering and it showed. We were being over taken by boat after boat even though we were in the slowest main category. Then we capsized. Our first race over and it didn't go particularly well. Especially as my fear of water was still very much in the background. It took me a couple of days to realise that Kayaking was what I wanted to do.

I found a new partner, Helen, and got happier in a boat. By September 2012, I was training twice a week and getting better and better each time. We entered the Waterside Series 2013 (one of the coldest ever) and although our times weren't the quickest (13.5 miles-3:17, 17.5 miles-3:56, 23 miles- 5:55) we kept going with the aim to complete the tough 34 miler at the end. Then the snow set in and so did hyperthermia, we pulled out 16 miles through cold and trying to stay aware. Although this upset us, we knew it was stupid to carry on as cold as we were especially if we risked falling into freezing cold water in the middle of nowhere.

That Easter I supported yet another Devizes to Westminster crew to complete their goal for the second time. The conditions were even cold for the support crew but the boy made it to finish line.
The race inspired me even more and me and my partner started to train more seriously, trying out a quicker but more unstable boat and becoming even more determined to beat our times before. We worked hard and by September 2013, we were training two times a week on the water and once in the gym or running. We were so desperate to do well even though Helen had managed to harbor a shoulder injury over the summer. 

We took part in our first race together at the beginning of March and produced a time almost an hour quicker than the year before (13 miles- 2:34). However, it wasn't quick enough to beat some people in our Junior Ladies category. We felt gutted but it pushes us on to try harder. 

This was when disaster struck. I became ill, very ill. I spent three weeks in bed barely eating and just sleeping and one week in hospital on antibiotics and a drip. My partner continued to race with someone else who was training producing good times and even completing the 125 mile race in Easter, which I went out to support even though I was sat in a camping chair throughout. Eventually I became stronger and put on weight and at the end of June, I got back into a boat. My stamina is still not there but my technique is going strong and so is my speed. 
I will continue training next year with Helen and I'm more determined as ever. Hopefully 2015 will be my year.

Holly x

Saturday, 12 July 2014


With august fast approaching (scarierly), things are starting to fill up the days with several exciting prospects heading my way and three trips away to look forward to. I thought this would be the perfect time to get into something that I admire and respect massively, posting daily. This is were the idea of blogust came about. I will be blogging throughout the day on my checky iPhone blogger app on experiences and photos and at the end of the day or the next day (depending when I receive wifi), I will publish it for the whole world to see.
I think it's a rather exciting prospect, showing your daily life to possibley millions of people but also a frightening one especially with so many twists and turns that could so easily happen during that month. Maybe this will be my chance to find a new direction to my blog and build a audience. Maybe it will just only entertain me. Either way, I will continue to blog my adventures during that month to create enjoyment and entertainment.
If this idea is something that tempts or interests you, a little follow would be the sweets and although, I may blog randomly leading up to the 1st, that will be when it officially starts (18 days ahh). 
All I can say is bring on august and it's exciting prospects!
Holly x

Sunday, 6 July 2014

How to: Make Chocolate Marshmallow Crispy Cakes!

With lots of leftover cereal in my house, I decided to make some use of it and make some yummy chocolate marshmallow crispy cakes!
Here's a basic recipe and tips on how to make them...

Ingredients (to make 6 big cakes):
-One whole milk cooking chocolate bar
-A small bowl of mini marshmallows
-1 1/2 small bowls of leftover cereal 
-6 muffin cases

{1} Place a small sized saucepan, half full of water, on a hob at a medium heat. Break the chocolate bar into a suitable bowl for heat e.g. glass or pottery.

{2} Place the bowl with the chocolate on top of the saucepan and stir with a wooden spoon until the chocolate is melted and smooth.

{3} Take the saucepan off the heat and remove the bowl off the top. The key at this stage is to move quickly or the chocolate will cool and become solid. Add the old cereal to the chocolate starting with one of the small bowls. Stir in the chocolate. If there is still chocolate not mixed, continue to add cereal until it is all blended in. Finally, stir in the some of the marshmallows.

{4} Spoon the chocolate, cereal and marshmallow mix into the muffin cases using a tablespoon until all the mixture is used up and the cakes are all equal. Place a small marshmallow on top of each cake.

{5} Finally, place the cakes into the fridge to chill for a couple of minutes until the cakes have firmed up.

{6} Take them out and enjoy when the chocolate is no longer shinny.

Holly x